I've just executed an agreement to sell my pigs and brands and other intellectual properties to
Mosefund, one of my oldest and best customers.
I'm almost out of the luxury pig and pork business - but
I've still got meat to sell.If you want to buy Mangalitsa, please call me at 253-508-3604. That includes lard, cured shoulders, raw meat, etc.
If you want live pigs - breeding stock or feeder pigs - I suggest you call Michael from Mosefund at 201-289-0210.
Part of my agreement with Mosefund includes a noncompete clause. I spent most of yesterday and the day before calling former live pig customers, explaining that for at least one year, I wouldn't be able to consult with them.
I've enjoyed helping all my customers and potential customers these last few years. Besides consulting with them, in cases where I couldn't serve consumers, or I felt a customer could serve them much better, I typically recommended the Mangalitsa products of others to the consumer, figuring it would be better for me in the long run. However, due to the noncompete, that stops right now.