Thursday, February 14, 2008

Clampdown on Home Slaughter

There is a story from Milford, MA about guys slaughtering a pig in an illegal rooming house.

There are a couple of odd things - are we to presume these guys really got a heavy pig home and up the stairs of their rooming house and then killed the pig?

That sounds impossible. How are you going to get a pig to go up the stairs? If it doesn't want to go, and if it is a big pig, it isn't going to go up the stairs. It will just knock down whoever is trying to get it to go up the stairs and run off.

And why go through all that work? Why not just slaughter it on the ground floor, then haul up the carcass for processing?

If you burst into a restaurant and saw this scene below, I don't see why you'd assume he just slaughtered it in the back.

I'm figuring the cops just got spooked when they saw the carcass, the illegal rooming house and the foreigners living in cramped conditions, and figured that the foreigners were their running an illegal slaughterhouse on the 2nd floor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...





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