Saturday, September 6, 2008

Lettuce and Wild Hogs

I saw this interesting news report about violent measures lettuce growers are taking to keep wild hogs and other wild animals out of the lettuce.

Vegetarians and other consumers probably imagine that eating vegetables is somehow good for wildlife - when in reality, the high margins that lettuce producers earn (particularly organic lettuce producers) motivate them to take a thorough and brutal approach to controlling wildlife incursions.

Some of the requirements imposed on the producers sound ridiculous:

Fresh Express, with 41 percent of the bagged greens market, demands a mile between farm fields and feedlots for cattle instead of the agreement's recommended 400 feet. The company also requires that a field intruded on by a wild pig be kept idle for two years.

That's such a huge penalty that you have to figure that if a guy does see a wild hog in his field, he'll claim he didn't see it.

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