Sunday, September 7, 2008


I saw an article about Speck in Tyrol. It reminded me of the Wiesners in Austria. The Wiesners raise pigs and process them at home into Speck. They process all the parts into Speck - loin, belly, ham, shoulder, jowl, etc.

I don't think the guys in Tyrol raise Mangalitsa, because the article describes the Speck as being just 2 inches thick. As you can see in the video below, the Mangalitsa belly is a lot thicker.

Another thing - the author doesn't mention how the guys raise their pigs. That's too bad - how the hog's get raised really impacts the quality of the raw material. Some people might read that article and try making Speck from inappropriate pork. Here is an article about how to raise pigs that will make decent Speck.

For the Mangalitsa producer, the model is simple: produce very fat pigs, then cut them up, wet cure them, smoke them and then let the product ripen. When it is done, vacuum pack it and stick it in your cellar. Here is a document that explains the different traditional Austrian methods, including wet curing.

Here's what the final product looks like:

Here's Christoph making Speck at home:

I like that video of him doing it at home because it is clear that you can do this stuff in a normal kitchen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...





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