Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Mangalitsa-based Agicultural Tourism

There's something on the web (unfortunately only in Hungarian) about a Hungarian farm/restaurant. There's a slideshow of photos here.

They've got Mangalitsa specialties listed - but I can't tell what they are:
Ételspecialitások: 1. Mangalica tarja rozmaringos burgonyával,salátával. 2. Töltött mangalica (máj, gomba, zöldség.) 3. Szürkemarha rostélyos tekercs burgonyás nudlival. 4.Szürkemarha steak friss salátával. 5.Szürkemarha bélszín vörösboros barnamártással, tepsis burgonyával, salátával. 6. Házigazda kedvence (grill szürkemarha bélszín, mangalica szűzpecsenye, libamáj, zöldségekkel) Badacsonyi lávakövön grillezve
Here's some of their good photos:

Nice people enjoying their afternoon meal.

Guys trying wines in the basement.

Although it is warmer, the language barrier normally stops me (and a lot of tourists) from travelling much in Hungary - so I normally stick to Austria.

If you are in Austria, I'd make a trip to Spitzbart's - in addition to doing farrow-to-finish Mangalitsa pigs, they slaughter, process and retail Speck. They also make their own alcohol and sell that. There's some photos of that on the Wooly Pigs website.

Alois Spitzbart, the founder, was the first in that area to have such a farm/restaurant business. His son, Dominik, is the one who has got them into Mangalitsa production and processing. Their other son, Konrad, is an accomplished pastry chef in the USA.


Vanda said...

The first dish is named after the cut of meat, and I'm not an expert in that. The word itself translates to "crest".

The second is stuffed mangalica (with liver, mushrooms, vegetables).

Other recipes are not mangalica, but "Szürkemarha" - meat of an old cattle breed. picture

There is another mangalica dish with goose liver. Probably looking something like this.

This restaurant web site can give you an idea of what traditional Hungarian dishes look like. They tend to be the rustic comfort food type. By the way that restaurant has a couple of Mangalica dishes.

Heath Putnam said...


As always, thanks for your help with the Hungarian language!

When I see these photos I wish I could go to Central Europe this May and enjoy myself.