Friday, October 23, 2009

Provenance Farm's Pigs

Cute piggies

I got new photos from Cristina Cruz-Jones showing their Mangalitsa feeder pigs. The photo above is from back when they were small and cute. If you want to order some pork, their number is 651-583-2252.

Here's new photos of the pigs. Considerably older, I can't even pick out my favorite (the blond in the foreground above):

As Cristina explained on the phone, they haven't destroyed all their pasture, because the humans are careful about rotating them.

I suspect the pig with the visible pink hoof is my favorite, now grown up and not nearly so cute.

She mentioned that two look more like Mangalitsa purebreds, while the other two aren't as woolly.

Her pigs have 75% Mangalitsa genetics. That explains the variation in coats and why some have pink hooves and others black hooves.

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