Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Audrey Chin's Photo of Rey Knight

Audrey Chin took a nice photo of Rey Knight at Mosefund's 2010 Pigstock. I like the lighting and composition. I find the picture funny and pretty at the same time.

Rey Knight is the guy in the middle, staring inside the pig. Rey is a salami ninja. To make our Hungarian-style Mangalitsa salami, he sampled (and cultured) the mold from a Pick mangalica Szalami, so that the resulting product had the same mold. If I was a salami-maker, I'd be that methodical.

Rey's Mangalitsa salami (I got a few pounds from the first mini batches) was the best American-made salami I'd ever eaten.


gtrfx said...


Waiting for this one!!!!


Heath Putnam said...

George - Are you talking about the salami?

We did 4 batches. Rey has most of it, and he's been selling in San Diego. When I was in NJ, he gave me a few pounds, which I really enjoyed.

I will send him some more meat and we'll iterate again, hopefully producing better stuff.

If you want to call Rey and try to get some, call 858-565-0664 and tell them you want some of batch A (and maybe batch B) of the Mangalitsa batch. They may still have a little left.

Batch A was purebred Mangalitsa. The fat was a bit soft, because I didn't send them fatback.

Batch B is from F1 Mangalitsa pigs. That's got harder fat. Like the F1 pigs though, it doesn't really have the Mangalitsa flavor.

Both of those batches were excellent - by far the best salami I've had in the USA.